Selected Publications
- Cox, R and Wallace, R (in Press). Role of Incarceration As a Risk Factor for Cognitive Impairment. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences.
- Amaro, H., Sanchez, M., Bautista, T., & Cox, R. (2021). Social vulnerabilities for substance use: Stressors, socially toxic environments, and discrimination and racism. Neuropharmacology, 108518.
- Cox, R. and Cunningham, J.P. (2021). Financing the War on Drugs: The Impact of Law Enforcement Grants on Racial Disparities in Drug Arrests. Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, 40(1), 191-224.
- Cox, R. (2020, May). The Role of Broad-Based Employee Ownership Opportunities in Prisoner Reentry. In AEA Papers and Proceedings (Vol. 110, pp. 424-29).
- Cox, R., Lahey, J., Rhoades, H., Henwood, B., & Wenzel, S. (2020). Does the Timing of Incarceration Impact the Timing and Duration of Homelessness? Evidence from “The Transitions to Housing” Study. Justice Quarterly, 1-25.
- Cox, R. (2020). Applying the Theory of Social Good to Mass Incarceration and Civil Rights. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(2), 205-218.
- Cox, R., Henwood, B., Rodnyansky, S., Rice, E., & Wenzel, S. (2019). Road Map to a Unified Measure of Housing Insecurity. Cityscape, 21(2), 93-128.
- Cox, R. (2018). Mass incarceration, racial disparities in health, and successful aging. Generations, 42(2), 48-55.
- Cox, R., & Wallace, S. (2016). Identifying the link between food security and incarceration. Southern Economic Journal, 82(4), 1062-1077.
- Cox, R. J. (2012). The impact of mass incarceration on the lives of African American women. The Review of Black Political Economy, 39(2), 203-212.
- Cox, R. (2010). Crime, incarceration, and employment in light of the great recession. The Review of Black Political Economy, 37(3-4), 283-294.
Working Papers
- The Threat of Affirmative Action Litigation and its Impact on Police Killings of Civilians. (with Jamein Cunningham and Alberto Ortega,) [Working Paper] [R&R, AEJ: Applied Economics]
- Black Lives: The High Cost of Segregation (with Jamein Cunningham, Alberto Ortega, and Kenneth Whaley) [Working Paper] [R&R, AEJ: Economic Policy]
- Does Working While Incarcerated Help Ex-Offenders on the Labor Market?: The Case of North Carolina.
- Exposure to Incarceration, Aging, and Racial Disparities in Risk Factors for COVID-19. (with Robert Wallace)
- The Impact of Incarceration on the Health Outcomes of Formerly Incarcerated Middle-Aged Men.
- Measuring population estimates of housing insecurity in the United States: A comprehensive approach. CESR-Schaeffer Working Paper, (2017-012). (with Seva Rodnyansky, Benjamin Henwood, and Suzanne Wenzel) [Working Paper]
Other Publications